Thursday, August 9, 2007

First Timer!

So... grilling in general has always interested me, although grilling on a standard propane grill can be kind of boring. I've always looked on at the State Fair etc. at the smokers and thought that would be fun. But it took my good friend Jason to start in on the hobby himself to really strike my interest. Jason has produced three (maybe more, that's just how many times I’ve been to his place mooching) amazing meals from his smoker and I immediately wanted to share the hobby along with him, so I went and bought the one I could afford from Lowe's Home Improvement and set out on the venture. This week I managed to get the smoker assembled (not as bad as I thought it would be) and seasoned without lighting the house on fire! Tonight I'm beginning my preparation for my first smoked chickens - 2 of them to be exact. Details to come. Hopefully I can get my friends involved and posting as well and we can have a place to share strategies and recipes! YUM :)


Jason Person said...

Here is some advice I recieved from my cousin when I first started smoking:

Just start your fire with charcoal, burn it until all 75% of the charcoal is white... Then add 2 or 3 logs of what ever wood you have and adjust your air flow to about 1/2 way. The thermometer on the front of your smoker will tell you the internal temp of your cooker. Just make sure your temp is around 230-260 and you have a good air flow so that all of your "smoke" is cooking the meat. You don't want any direct heat on your meat. As soon as you get your pit to 230-260 and going steady, put your meat on... The more air you let in, the hotter your pit will get (oxygen = heat). So if you want to cool it down some, just close of the air flow for a bit....
When and what are you planning on cooking?? OH... make sure you season you pit first.
By seasoning, i mean burn a fire and get the temp up just to test it. Before you light your fire, coat all the inside of your pit with spray on PAM or you can rub vegetable oil on it.

Kirsten said...

Welcome to the blogging world!

(dreaming up all the things you can smoke that Sarah can bring to work so I can try...)